hi y'all!

I'm Cait Kramer!

Baltimore, MD Wedding photographer helping joyful souls preserve their legacy through authentic imagery

Whether you are looking for wedding inspiration, a scroll through engagement photos, or the perfect tip to help make your wedding day just a little easier, I got you! My blog covers a little bit of everything! Tune in for the latest and greatest in the CKP world, including recent work to get you inspired plus tips and tricks to make the most of your time in front of the camera. Get to scrolling or search through some of my favorite categories via the links below. 

I was going to wait to press publish on this blog post… but I just couldn’t! DC in spring is my absolute favorite, and these blooms needed to be shared like NOW. Each year, I’m consistently blown away by how this city comes ALIVE at the end of March. Flowers bloom, people are out and […]


It is FRIDAY, friends and… WEDDING SEASON IS COMING, Y’ALL! I’m giggling a little bit as I write this post partly because I feel a little bit like this meme but also because I am just SO excited! I have the opportunity to work with so many sweet couples this year, and goodness… that is […]


When I arrive on a couple’s wedding day, the first thing I do after a round of hugs and hello’s? I begin photographing details! These are the beautiful photographs of a couple’s rings & florals, stationery & invitations, wedding dress & shoes and just about everything in between. These photos are the perfect way to […]


Happy Friday, friends!!! Photographers… you have probably seen me post about this time and time again, but I truly believe that it is such an important topic! For the longest times, my posts on said topic were directed towards supporting clients! But today? It’s your day!!! You are definitely going to be able to get […]


Today’s post is one that I am SO excited about! I have been dying to do a post about bridesmaids dress selection for months now… the only problem? I’ve never been a bride myself! I can only share what I’ve learned during my time in the industry, and while I do feel this information is […]


If this blog post were a Friends episode, it most definitely would be called: “The One with All the Plants.” In an effort to explore town a little more and to keep my creative juices flowing, I’ve committed to exploring one place in DC a month with my camera in hand to share with you […]


Today, we’re diving into a topic that I’ve blogged about before, but we’re diving even DEEPER! Earlier this year, we chatted about how to simplify family portraits on a wedding day… but today, we’re going to talk about my suggested list for your family portraits! I always let my couples know that family portraits WILL […]


I’m pressing publish on this post with my free Starbucks Venti in hand (you better bet I went all out…) because today, I’m celebrating 25 years of being a human!!! I’m a little awkward about celebrating my own birthday… to be honest, I have no idea why. I like to keep things pretty low key […]


Today I’m sharing about one of my FAVORITE things to talk about… I say this all the time, but balancing time and planning well before your wedding day is SO important. When you plan well before your wedding, you’ll have the time to enjoy your guests and to celebrate your marriage, instead of stressing about […]


GUYS I could BURST with excitement… I am just SO excited to share today’s post with you!!! But first… a little bit of background: I started my business when I myself was a senior in high school! I photographed my friends for their yearbook ads and soon transitioned into photographing full senior sessions. I was […]