hi y'all!

I'm Cait Kramer!

Baltimore, MD Wedding and portrait photographer helping joyful souls preserve their legacy

Whether you are looking for wedding inspiration, a scroll through a sweet family session, or the perfect tip to help make your wedding day just a little easier, I got you! My blog covers a little bit of everything! Tune in for the latest and greatest in the CKP world, including recent work to get you inspired plus tips and tricks to make the most of your time in front of the camera. Get to scrolling or search through some of my favorite categories via the links below. 

I wish I could pack these two into my pocket to carry around with me for the rest of time! Lindsey and Zak are just the sweetest of souls. They’re the kinds of people that just make you want to smile all of the time— they’re caring, they’re kind, and they are so, so perfect […]


A blog post… on a SUNDAY?! WELL… as some of you may know, my rebrand is launching SO soon! (JUST OVER ONE WEEK, Y’ALL!) I will be switching my blog off late Tuesday/early Wednesday as I put the finishing touches on the site! I had a busy weekend with a few sweet couples and so […]


They are two of the most down to earth people. They’re the kind of people that think about others first and that never ever stop laughing. Elizabeth is an artist (you have to see her stunning paintings!!!) and Mike is a comedian. They call NYC home with their sweet guinea pig, and let me tell you… they kept me smiling from ear to ear during their entire session! I’m so thankful… I get to see them in just about a MONTH for their winter wedding celebration in Fredericksburg! If their wedding is even HALF as fun as their engagement session was, I know that we are all in for a huge treat! The joy they share as a couple is truly admirable, and it is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to photograph them during this sweet season of their story.


Happy Friday, friends! I’m doing something totally out of character this weekend, and I am putting my camera AND my computer down at 6PM tonight. I’ve made a promise to myself that I won’t pick either up until Sunday at 10AM! That’s right… I am taking my first FULL day off in over a month and a half. Busy season has been kicking my butt, and I am so excited to take some time to enjoy the company of friends that I haven’t seen in a while! I’m not going to lie… taking time off is something that I really struggle with. It is uncomfortable for me. I love my job so much that I really could do it every day! However, balance is so important, so this Saturday, you can find me brunching with friends and catching up on some much needed sleep.


I think it is about time they invent time machines… because I really wish I could hop in one to go back and re-live Katrina and Andrew’s wedding day all over again! It was absolutely PERFECT y’all! Mother Nature brought out ALL the stops— from the gorgeous gold and red leaves, a temperature that wasn’t too hot or too cold, and get this: SUN!!! YES! After the world’s rainiest wedding season, CKP finally got to celebrate with a couple on a SUNNY wedding day! I was definitely fan-girling Mother Nature all day long, but what I really loved seeing the most was how loved Katrina and Andrew are by their family and friends.


I’ve been hinting about this over on social for the longest time, and today you finally get to find out what it is I’ve been working on!!!!! CAIT KRAMER PHOTOGRAPHY IS GETTING A BRAND NEW LOOK Y’ALL!! PHEW I’ve been holding that in for a while and it feels SO good to share!


Today’s post is so, so special to me. You see… Nicole was one of the very FIRST people that I met at Penn State, and now she is getting MARRIED! Nicole and I were in the same summer classes before school even started…. we learned how to study in the student union together, where to print our papers, we tried to navigate dorm life without AC (during the hottest months of the summer), tried fitness classes together, and even went to our first frat party together. She was one of my first friends during college, and the fact that I just photographed her ENGAGEMENT SESSION is really blowing my mind!


Bridget and Peter are just one of a kind. They’re funny, and they’re amazingly kind, and they are so incredibly thoughtful. From the moment Savannah and I arrived in the morning to the moment we gave them hugs on the dance floor at the end of the night, Bridget and Peter were constantly offering ways to make our lives easier… let me remind you that THEY were the ones getting married! You see… they are just the kind of people that truly care about those in their lives, and this was so evident on their wedding day. They love so well and are loved so well by so many. It is because of that very reason that I know they are perfect for each other.


Today’s post is so, so special to me! Rachel is someone that I met through Rising Tide Society’s Tuesday’s Together/Instagram when I first moved to DC, and we really seemed to hit it off! She’s one of those people that somehow always knows how to make someone feel welcome. Her work is just stunning, and she has the kindest personality that I know makes her clients feel the same way that I do— so incredibly loved!


Today, I wanted to dive into a question that I get asked a lot— by both clients AND friends: What size would you recommend for my wedding party?! PHEW… this is a little bit of a loaded question because what is right for you may not be what is right for me or for someone else!! But, when it comes to it, if you’re asking, I’ll answer honestly: keep your wedding party on the smaller side.