hi y'all!

I'm Cait Kramer!

Baltimore, MD Wedding and portrait photographer helping joyful souls preserve their legacy

Whether you are looking for wedding inspiration, a scroll through a sweet family session, or the perfect tip to help make your wedding day just a little easier, I got you! My blog covers a little bit of everything! Tune in for the latest and greatest in the CKP world, including recent work to get you inspired plus tips and tricks to make the most of your time in front of the camera. Get to scrolling or search through some of my favorite categories via the links below. 

I am so lucky to have some of the most supportive and amazing people in my life and am so thrilled to share one of those beautiful souls with you today! Everyone meet my wonderful sister, Meghan! My sister was actually the very first person that ever forced me to do a portrait session, and […]


Oh you guys…I am so incredibly lucky. This little business of mine has brought so many truly amazing people into my life, and I am so thankful that it allowed me to cross paths with this sweet group of four. I knew we were going to get along just fine, when Shaharazade messaged me, asking […]


Oh what an exciting day…welcome to the brand new look of Cait Kramer Photography! If you’ve been following me for a while now, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of….”uh Caity did you not just rebrand this summer?” And the answer is…yes. Yes, I did! Surprisingly enough, however, this new look has actually been in the works for quite some time….even before my midsummer rebrand! It just came to be way sooner than anticipated!


I just want to start this post off by saying I have been so incredibly up and down and back and forth about pressing publish. As a business owner and young professional, I don’t really love sharing my beliefs online…so today, I am not. Today, I simply let my inner, and somewhat retired, journalist flag hang high and had an amazing time capturing the faces and stories of the Women’s March on Washington. And now I am sharing the product with you. 


Oh you guys I have been dying to share these mini sessions with you for so long! After some bad weather and crazy schedules put one on hold, I finally wrapped on my Archibald Project Mini this weekend! I am so thankful for the love of each of these sweet people and had SO much fun working on this project. I mean sweet kiddos, loving couples AND dogs?! What more can a photographer ask for from mini sessions?! Their support of my mission trip means so much to me, and it felt so great to get back behind the camera during this off season. 


I honestly don’t think I have enough good things to say about Miss Vanessa of Vanessa Smith Photography. She was one of my very first friends here in DC and has continued to cheer me on each and every day. We met for the very first time over margaritas and salsa, as fellow Texans should and shared so many laughs and struggles about running a business. She is the mama to a sweet baby girl and is an amazing boss lady. Her use of light in her photography is absolutely stunning, and she is guaranteed to make you feel (and look!) like a million and one bucks when you are on the front end of of her camera. We met on the first cold morning of the year for a headshot swap. We had so much fun running around Georgetown, even though neither of us could feel our toes by the time we got back to our cars!


Oh my goodness…time sure does fly when you keep yourself busy! I was looking to my calendar the other day and realized that I just celebrated 6 months as a resident of our Nation’s Capital! What?! Coming from someone that has questioned my decision of moving away from all things familiar almost every single day since I’ve been here, I’m counting this milestone as a huge victory. I’ve had my fair share of amazing victories, beautiful days, and incredible memories. I’ve also had my fair share of the lowest of lows. Of the moments that just kind of leave you sobbing in the shower when you’re finally alone with your thoughts as you hope and pray that this thing called life gets a little easier over time. We’ve all been there.


I think I’ve pinched myself each time I’ve looked through these photos! You see, I’ve known Marcela since we were the world’s most awkward middle schoolers. She has been such a dear friend throughout the years, and I had the absolute honor of shooting her and Sam’s engagement photos while I was home for Thanksgiving. 


Oh boy….am I excited about this! As many of you know, I have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. This February, I will be traveling to Ethiopia for a media mission with the Archibald Project. {Learn more about my trip here} As you can imagine, I am beyond excited! This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I am so humbled to have the opportunity to serve the Selamta Family Project with my art and love for storytelling. However, as you can imagine, planning a trip to another continent can get quite expensive!


Kayla and Nathan absolutely make my heart swoon! They originally met through family/mutual friends and began meeting in the District on the weekend for dates! They started falling in love with each other as they fell in love with the city. Nathan popped the question on the river near the tidal basin in DC during cherry blossom season (anyone else feeling all the heart eye emojis right now?), right where we wrapped up their sunset engagement session! He spent the week of their anniversary bringing Kayla back to all of the places they went on their first dates, and on the last day of the week, they went back to their special place near the tidal basin. The rest was history!