The Rebrand Schedule | Friday Chatter

 Photo by my sweet friend, Savannah of Savannah Smith Photography ! Photo by my sweet friend, Savannah of Savannah Smith Photography !

Happy Friday, friends! I’m doing something totally out of character this weekend, and I am putting my camera AND my computer down at 6PM tonight. I’ve made a promise to myself that I won’t pick either up until Sunday at 10AM! That’s right… I am taking my first FULL day off in over a month and a half. Busy season has been kicking my butt, and I am so excited to take some time to enjoy the company of friends that I haven’t seen in a while! I’m not going to lie… taking time off is something that I really struggle with. It is uncomfortable for me. I love my job so much that I really could do it every day! However, balance is so important, so this Saturday, you can find me brunching with friends and catching up on some much needed sleep.

Now… down to business! Last week, I announced something that I am really excited about!!! CKP is getting a BRAND NEW LOOK!!! To say that I am really proud of how everything is coming along would be a huge understatement. I am SO excited about this rebrand and all that it entails. It has been a huge project but such an incredible joy. Today, I wanted to share my rebrand timeline with you so you’ll know what to expect!

  • Blog Break: November 21-25
    • I’ll be taking a quick break from blogging to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and to migrate my site content from my current blog to future blog! You should still be able to access my site and online information at this time!
  • Site Launch: November 26!!!!!
    • I have been SO afraid to put this date on paper because there is still a lot of site work that needs to be done! However, it is looking more and more like the crazy goal launch date I set for myself WILL be possible! I cannot wait for you to see what I have been working on!
  • Site Celebration and Giveaways: November 26-30
    • What would be a site launch without a party?! Join me in celebrating my site launch during the entire final week of November. Blog posts… social media lives… and even a giveaway!

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